Building LiteraEATly: My Creation Journey


Why is creating a mixed use website so difficult? And why, for the love all things, must Google manage to complicate something that should be so simple?!?!

To elaborate, during my investigation of domain providers, website builders, and email customization, I somehow managed to lock myself into a Google Workspace wormhole that I couldn't find my way out of without f@#$ing paying for the domain that I had already paid for through Squarespace. I tried everything y’all and nothing worked except accepting my Google-coerced fate to pay another $12 for the domain that even they knew I already f@#$ing owned.


So I finally break through the nightmare that was establishing my custom email and it still wasn’t working. I could send emails, but I wasn’t getting any of my external email tests. Ugh! It turns out, there was some other setup process page where I had to activate my email account, but this setup process page was nowhere to be found in my account dashboard; I only managed to find this page through an endless google help search. I did in fact finally start receiving emails, but of course found other headaches along the way.

In deciding this, that, and the other, I have apparently locked out an email address option through my personal google account…yet I cannot find or access this supposedly already secured email address, receiving an error message when I do that states the email address does not exist. Huh?! How the f@#$ is that even possible Google???


So either this is the dumbest crap ever or I am an idiot. Also…not a clue in the slightest as to what I'm doing when it comes to making this dang website work how I envision it to. I'm starting to think I might need to hire a pro to help me get over this hurtle.

Until next time y'all….


Travel is Changing


Pad Krapow Gai