We are LiteraEATly!

Combining our passions, hubby and I are embarking on this business venture together. I am a formally-trained chef, with published writings in food and travel. I am a determined and outgoing personality, always ready for the next project or adventure. Hubby is a USMC veteran, with a calm and caring personality, and complicated computer smarts to boot - if it wasn’t for him, I’d probably still be trying to figure out how to get the business email working, haha. Together, we have one crazy wonderful son and two rescue dogs.

LiteraEATly’s primary focus revolves around food of course, as all three of us love food in a unique manner, but we don’t just want to share one focus with the world. We EAT, but we literally are so much more than that…and thus “eat” and “literally” merge as one.

We each have individual passions, but some of our shared interests and topics that you’ll see us touch on most often are food (surprise surprise!), travel, hiking, entertainment, and home.

