Fat-Shaming, Really Doc?!?!?!

So I have recently been going through some heavy medical stuff and this meant also seeing an OB and having reproductive stuff checked. The doctor was nice enough and did follow through with running certain tests, but not without also throwing in his two cents about my weight. He had the nerve to try and “mansplain” how eating and exercise work; as though I somehow don't know how to track my eating habits, account for calorie deficit, or do basic fitness. I'm not saying that I am great when it comes to my dietary habits, keeping honest to myself and others, but I know for a fact that I eat mostly well and almost always with a calorie deficit. I track my steps, I plan fitness activities, I maintain a neater than most household (hello more physical activity!), I make solid efforts to eat a balanced diet, and I rarely drink alcoholic or sugary beverages.

I didn't get the chance to explain any of this to the doctor though, as he was too busy assuming he knows my life and that my weight gain must be by fault of my own. Had he asked inciteful questions without assumption, he might have been the one to discover my ailment and be actually helpful. Instead, he left me feeling anger, grief, regret, disappointment, and momentary self-loathing. This is not okay.

If it weren't for my strong will, perseverance, and a second medical opinion, I wouldn't have learned the true cause of what I have been experiencing and how to remedy it.

He was so focused on something so trivial, and frankly quite irrelevant to my list of symptoms by the way, that he couldn't see the person in front of him asking for real help. I feel that this post is necessary not only because what he did was unprofessional, but because not one other medical professional that I have seen has “addressed” my weight, dietary habits, or physical activity as a potential cause for what I have been experiencing. Rather, they listened, assessed, ordered tests, and looked for solutions…you know, the ish! that literally requires the assistance of a licensed medical professional! If I wanted diet and exercise advise, I certainly would not be making an OB appointment for that.

I am currently 5’6” with a medium-large bust (34D), small-medium waist (28-29”), and large-xl hips (41.5”). Since last year my weight has increased by over 20lbs, only one inch of that in my waist! Wouldn't someone who eats the way that OB implied have more belly fat?! This was only one of my symptoms, but this was the only thing that the OB was focused on. Moral of the story, don't judge someone by what you see. A book has many pages, maybe try opening it up and reading a few! Oh, and share this with others so we can continue to spread the message and empower each other!


Easter 2023


Travel is Changing